
Bushfire Pro streamlines the process of editing layers within the application. It incorporates several built-in features designed to minimize user input, thereby enhancing productivity and ease of use.

Below is a list of layers that can be edited, accompanied by specific initiatives that Bushfire Pro has implemented to help users become more efficient and effective in their tasks.

Refer to the Editable Layer section below, or view the Video Summary for more information.

One of the key features to assist in precision editing is the Snapping Option. This tool is essential for ensuring accuracy and alignment in your editing tasks.


Snapping Option: Snapping simplifies the editing process by ensuring that there are no gaps or overlaps between adjacent features, unless intentionally created. This feature enhances the precision of your input and accelerates the mapping process by reducing the need for manual adjustments of points and lines.

Setting: After selecting the layer to edit, click on Digitization next to the Form button, and then press Start to enable snapping.

Video Summary#

Editable Layers#

Subject Land#

This layer is the first you will edit when starting a new project. Depending on your project’s requirements, the Subject Land is typically derived from the cadastre or an existing building.

  • Automated Features:

    • Assessment areas (100m and 150m) are automatically generated once a new Subject Land polygon is created.

Photo Location#

Simply place photo locations on the map. Specify the orientation, in degrees clockwise, where 0 degrees represents North, to indicate the direction of the photo.

  • Automated Features:

    • For geo-referenced photos, use Bushfire Pro’s Dashboard to upload all your photos simultaneously. They will be displayed on the web map in the correct location and orientation.

Classified Vegetation#

Digitising the classified vegetation with precision is made easier by the app, thanks to some of Bushfire Pro’s automated features.

  • Automated Features:

    • Any vegetation drawn outside the 150m assessment area will be automatically trimmed.

    • If two vegetation polygons with the same Plot and Slope Category overlap, they will be automatically merged.

    • Once a vegetation polygon is drawn, the BAL contours and BHL will be automatically updated in real-time, enabling you to immediately see the impact on your project.

    • The layer ‘Vegetation Distance from Site’ is also automatically generated, allowing you to view the shortest distance from the Subject Land to the vegetation plot.

Asset Protection Zone#

Please refer to the dedicated APZ section here.

Building Outline#

Simply draw over an existing building, typically using an aerial imagery background.

Mitigation Measures#

Locations for mitigation measures, such as fire hydrants, water tanks, emergency accesses, and others, can be placed on the map. By default, a comprehensive list of these measures is available. If you require specific items that are not on the list, please let us know, as customisation is possible!

Internal Road#

We have created the Internal Road layer for complex project that require displaying future road with the project area.

Line Distance#

The Line Distance layer enables you to highlight distances from and to specific locations, giving you more control over the presentation of information.